"Lord, we don't have much time!"
"Yeah, but what you do for me during that time I will count for all eternity."

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Home Bound

I move to Arkansas tomorrow and I can't wait to see my hubby!!  My sister came over tonight and her, my mom, and me spent some time together just having fun.  It was a blast!!  But when it was time for her to drive home and take her puppy with her, she started to cry and told me I couldn't leave.  :(  It broke my heart.  We're 4 years apart, I'm her little sister, and finally to the point where we get along and I'm moving 6 hours away.  I know it's not really that far, but I also know that she feels like it's forever away and that she'll never see me again.  Little does she know, I'm already planning my next visit back here to Kansas.  ;)

I called Clint and we had a funny conversation around 7:30 tonight.  It went something like this (he's in blue, I'm in purple):
So when are you going to start packing?  8?  9?
Excuse you, what makes you think I haven't started packing already?!
..................Seriously what time?
Hey!!  I might have started packing!!
That's a pretty big "might".  :P

He knows me too well - I should start packing...  :)

Friday, June 17, 2011

What A Sweet Hubby!!

Clint just text me, "We swept, vacuumed, and mopped.  :)"
I text him back, "Wow really?"
"To make it look better for you.  :)  And so we don't scratch it with all the dirt on it."
"Aw thank you.  :)"

I have the sweetest hubby!!  I'll still have to clean it when I go down because he still has half of the flooring left to do but still - he's so sweet!!

In the mean time - I have a few wedding albums to put together and 2 scrapbooks and I'm so unmotivated!!  The cute little puppy curled up next to me doesn't help my procrastination either.  :P

Sweet Pea

How can you not pet that cute thing?

Thursday, June 16, 2011


Clint and I officially tied the knot May 1, 2011 and are happy to tell everyone!!  To view our wedding pictures, click the picture at the bottom of the page that says "I Do" on it - it'll take you right to them.

Note:  The pictures uploaded in reverse order, so you might want to go to the end and look backwards.  :)

Photographs by Michele Graves & assistant: michelegravesphotography.com